Thursday, November 19, 2009

Student discussion to replace the plan

Issue 1
Nov 2009
Download the first issue of Student Voices

How should the student body engage long-term plans?
Insight published this opinion article.

Riley Fitzgerald

Speech Communications
“I’m for the fees, I am personally willing to pay them, but I also believe that students should have a choice on which fees they would like to contribute to.”

Case Study Process

Student engagement does not require a Ph.D. Students will talk to student government about issues that affect their pocket books and lives. This case study includes interviews taken over a few hours on campus on October 31 and November 2. Students skimmed the plan and asked questions about individual goals in each part. Students ranged from partially familiar with JV 2017 to completely lacking any information. Many students reviewed the plan to come to a better understanding and wrote their opinions about the plan or a portion. Each chose to take a picture or request an area of campus with which they identify. These photos were included next to their statements.

Monday, November 9, 2009


High school student in the library
“As a potential UNR student, I don't want to pay MORE to go to college, especially
if at least 23/75 dollars are going toward the salaries of managerial positions.”

Nat Phelps

Secondary Ed Pre-Major
“Why do they keep trying to take money that I don't have?”

Alex Yeomanson

Spanish Major
“Unaccounted for fees are unnecessary because countless professors have already
lost their jobs. I chose to stay in state and go to UNR based on Affordability. Small
increases here or there will be the end of good students staying instate. Why go
here when we can get more for the same money elsewhere?”

Ericson Burnett

Speech Communication
“Students should have a choice or a voice when raising fees, even if they help
students. We need to keep it affordable so our campus can grow and excel!”

Jeff DePaoli

Dual Major, Mechanical Engineering and Music Performance, Minor in Physics
“One of the largest draws to this university is its affordability. An increase of this
scale has the potential to cripple that draw – resulting in lower income for the
school and an inevitable secondary increase. If an increase is to occur then it
should go toward education not administration.”

Shayla Kranovich

Sophomore, Psychology
“As a UNR student already paying my own tuition, any additional unnecessary fees
outrage me. Although helping the arts, math, and writing centers is good, the $45
student services fee is ridiculous. We need to either budget our money better or
stop buying excessive things during student events. As a student body that has
aggressively opposed the budget cuts and raising our tuition, why would we raise
it ourselves?”

Joe Gutierr

“Where is the money going? All these fees add up to over 1 million per semester
and no return for the kids @ UNR. Students still have to pay for their vaccines.”


“I succeeded because UNR was affordable. Keep students in charge!”

Chanelle Bessette

English Literature Major
“If the university wishes to aggregate funds for programs, I believe students should
be able to vote on said funds, and there should be checks and balances in place
to ensure proper spending.”

Michael G. Perrin

Ph.D. School of Psychology
“I am a WCSD teacher attending UNR to work on additional endorsements and
degrees. As a graduate student here since fall 2003, I have put up with one tuition
hike after another and do not want to pay this fee. I know that several more tuition
increases have been proposed for the coming years to cumulate to the tune of 10
– 15% per year. Where will it end?”

Chris Ginac

Michael G. Perrin
Computer Science
“What I don’t understand about the JV 2017 thing is why is it proposing a fee
increase for something that is already being paid for? We already pay for Flipside,
why do we need to have a Student Activities Center? And why is it all lumped into
one single package? I would vote for a tutoring center fee, but it’s all or nothing
in this bill. This seems against our democratic roots, it really should up to the
Student Community what goes into this bill and what gets passed rather than it just
getting pushed through by it's creators.”

Sean Kolar

Mechanical Engineering
“I feel like as long as the money is being spent on us the students, I'm ok with it.”

Brian Sergott

“Yo! A student center would be awesome”

Myles Soderstrom

“Money should be used for student activities, not paying admin things. Just
rearrange funds, don't make us pay more for it.”

Jeff Brown

Civil Engineering
“Money for sure should be used for students yo -”

Kyle Roberts

Nursing Program
“I think that our money should be for the students not for the admin. We need our
money that we don't have. Here comes more debt.”

Matija Koracin

“Students should be able to vote on where their money goes. $45 per student for
administrative costs, homecoming, and such seems like a lot.”

G. F.

Nursing Program
“I believe that the success of the ASUN can be facilitated without an additional
branch of the Student Activities Center. The fees that will be charged seem
unnecessary in these current economic times. Additional programs and
programming are not needed currently. I believe our focus needs to be on keeping
current programs (classes + teachers) open and remaining and in keeping student
costs down. Possibly a solution to the cu current issue at hand would be to use a
“voluntary” staff to oversee the Student Activities Center if it is truly needed.”

Tyler Daykin

Physics Major
“I believe if there is going to be an increase in fees, then individual departments
should get an equal share of it.”

Ryan Tarver

Finance Major
“Being a University student, money is already tight. I work full time to pay for my
school bills. Because of this, my study time is limited. If tuition increases, then I
would probably seek out a second job which would limit my academic potential
even more. Most likely, I would finish my degree at an institution like University of
Phoenix to save time and money.”

Andrew Bass

Economics and Philosophy
“Fee increases shall be voted for by the student body, not behind closed doors.”

Charlene Grey

Major in Communications with an art minor.
“Here are a few radical ideas to replace the ‘academic success center’: join a study
group. Stay after class. Get help from your professor; they will form groups if they
know enough people don't get the material. Find tutorials online. Work harder.
Study more. If you don't get it, it's on YOU to figure it out.”

Gina Lee

“People don't have a bunch of money coming in; institutions should be fiscally
responsible and not raise prices, especially for no reason. They should be focused
on the bare essentials; for many people like me, that's all I care about.”

Sallie Pope

Pre-med Veterinary Science
"One wants to believe that college institutions are something trustworthy and just.
To think of such ridiculous fees coming from a place where we (as students and
community members) are supposed to believe in during these hard economic
times where we don't even know if we can even get a job post-graduation shows
a true motivation to move in the opposite direction."

Jeff Millan

Business Program
“I think each issue should be voted on individually”

Dominic Valdes

“I also think each issue should be voted on by themselves”

Joanne Hall

Program not stated
“I believe school is already expensive enough, and in these hard economic times,
any extra fees or raises in tuition seems unfair and selfish”

Bri Thompson

Nutritional Science
“If there are any new fees, they should be decided on by the people paying. Give
money to individual departments! Keep UNR affordable.”

Brandon Hockenberry

“I completely support the new proposal. To open up the tutoring center would be
amazing. Also, to get more money for clubs and orgs sounds like a great idea that
hopefully will get more students involved in on campus groups.”

Mark Lusowski

Program not stated
“As a whole, I do not support the this legislation. The portion contributing to the
math and writing I understand since those are resources that would utilize and
need to be in place. However, the rest of the distributions I do not support,
especially the majority part going to student activity since it should be going to
more academics. Also, this increase in student fees is quite substantial from where
it previously was, and little costs like this really add up with tuition.”

Mark Lusowski

Program not stated
“As a whole, I do not support the this legislation. The portion contributing to the
math and writing I understand since those are resources that would utilize and
need to be in place. However, the rest of the distributions I do not support,
especially the majority part going to student activity since it should be going to
more academics. Also, this increase in student fees is quite substantial from where
it previously was, and little costs like this really add up with tuition.”

Riley Fitzgerald

Speech Communications
“I’m for the fees, I am personally willing to pay them, but I also believe that
students should have a choice on which fees they would like to contribute to.”


Elementary and Special Education Major
“I’d Like to see more funding for the fine arts department and the math + writing
center, but I believe students should run the activities department. Its part of the
college experience and provides great opportunities for advancing education in a
unique way.”

Amy Walenta

Biology Major
“I would not like to see a fee increase. If there were to be a fee increase, it should
be decided by the students.”

Case Study Process

Student engagement does not require
a Ph.D. Students will talk to student
government about issues that affect
their pocket books and lives. This case
study includes interviews taken over a
few hours on campus on October 31
and November 2. Students skimmed
the plan and asked questions about
individual goals in each part.
Students ranged from partially familiar
with JV 2017 to completely lacking any
information. Many students reviewed
the plan to come to a better
understanding and wrote their
opinions about the plan or a portion.
Each chose to take a picture or request
an area of campus with which they
identify. These photos were included
next to their statements.

JV 2017 Calendar

*Aug - JV2007 presented without fee
*Oct 23 - Students given proposal
*Oct 27 - Sagebrush prints first article
*Oct 28 - Student government asked to vote
*NOV 4 - 2nd student government to vote
*NOV 5 - 1st Town hall meeting
Its time to step back when the first town
hall meeting is set after the second
attempt to try and pass the plan.
At some point, the president engaged the
board of regents before consulting the
student body.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Talking to Students

Alternative plans should have been
evaluated by students before the plan
was brought to the senate floor.
Individual departments could have
been interviewed to discover needs to
engage their students and individual
bills should have been drafted to
represent the findings.

University of Nevada $75 Fee - JV 2017

Download interviews of Nevada students on the fee increase here: STUDENTvoices

For more details
Topic Facebook group: Get Informed on JV 2017
Proposal in its entirety: JV2017